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Hey!  I'm Ann

Persistent, Strategic, Quirky & Wicked Funny.  

My passion is to make sure YOU know you are valued, seen and successful - right now - as you are whether or not you ever work with me. 

Ann Sutton, High Performance Coaching


I know the damage landing in the wrong job, working for the wrong boss, or trying to get by in the wrong environment can do. 


Like you, I've been stuck in a job where I didn't belong.

Overworked, underappreciated, trying to make a difference and stay engaged, but deeply unhappy.

 Working day in and day out in a job you hate crushes your confidence.

But you know what’s worse?  Having no idea what to do next and staying stuck. 

I found a way to take small, easy steps every day.  

And, when I realized how many smart professionals were feeling as lost and unfulfilled as I was, I knew it was my turn to step up and share my system to help them land their dream job.    

Working together you'll take, easy, action-focused steps to land work you love.   

YOU are awesome. Let's talk about your next step.

I believe that


everyone should work somewhere they're seen, heard, and valued. 


The number of people who HATE what they do and feel lost, stuck, and stupid horrifies me. I went back to school to get my Master's degree in Business because people I respected said my undergrad degree in Journalism, and my work in television wasn't going to lead anywhere.  I spent years working against my strengths instead of embracing them.

Colleagues in a meeting


Why I do it


Life is too short and the workday is too long to do something you hate.  

I started my career as television reporter and producer. When I jumped, shortly after being hired, to take an administrative assistant role because the money was better (oops!) I thought it was a mistake I'd never recover from. While the photocopier and I never came to terms, the job proved to be a gift. When I left, I went on to earn an MBA and land two vice-president positions, before starting my own business. Yes, I am quirky... and personable, and approachable. I bring a wide range of experience, executive perspective, an ability to ask insightful questions, and a commitment to results.  

Don't stay stuck. Take the next step. Book a call.
Start your journey... 

Download my Free E-Guide 

7 PROVEN STEPS TO LAND YOUR DREAM JOB... Even if Your Confidence is Shot.