Jump Start Your Career




Are you stuck in a job that leaves you more disillusioned and frustrated every day?

Are you tired of working for people who don’t appreciate the contributions and sacrifices you make?

You’d so love to find something new, a job that turns you on. But the idea of looking for another job? Ugh. It just feels overwhelming.

Where do you start? And how do you even find the time?


I get it

Don't let the photo - and my smiling face - fool you.

It wasn’t that long ago when I was exactly where you are, stuck in a job that was going nowhere, overworked, underappreciated, trying to be enthusiastic and engaged, but deeply unhappy.

Working day in and day out in a job you hate crushes your confidence. But you know what’s worse?  Feeling you just have to live with it, stay stuck, and do nothing.

I remember wondering, “How did I get here? And (more importantly) how do I get the hell out”? 




You need to know you don't have to stay stuck in a job that undermines your confidence, eats away at your self-esteem and weighs you down with tasks you can't stand.

You can dump that job and land one that has you doing the happy dance every morning... and it can be a lot easier than you think.

All you need is a way to take small, easy steps every day. Steps that won’t overwhelm you or add to your stress. Something that will clear the way and lead you to a job that sets your soul on fire!

In other words, you need a system!

Well… it just so happens… I’ve got one! The same one that allowed me to leave the unfulfilling job I had and discover work that makes me extraordinary happy. It’s called…

Jump Start Your Career!

Come on! It’s time to embrace your strengths, focus your search, get out of resume hell, and land a job that has you doing the happy dance every morning.

This step by step program is designed to make it easy for you to get out of your own way and finally find a job you love.

It’s chock full of tips, tricks and tools to get you off the couch and into action.

Best of all, you’re no longer alone.  Working together, you’ll get all the motivation, accountability, and support you need to:

  • Discover a wealth of great opportunities available to you
  • Crush any niggling, negative thoughts that stop you from going for what you want
  • Embrace your strengths and step into your new-found confidence
  • Attract a team of smart, thoughtful, and engaged people who are committed to getting you an awesome job
  • Decode the mystery to creating a resume and LinkedIn profile that open doors

Unlike other programs that only provide a personality assessment, or networking tips, or resume writing support, Jump Start Your Career! pulls all the pieces of the job search puzzle together in an easy to follow system.

And, having a certified coach beside you will keep you accountable! You’ll finally be able to take easy, action-focused steps to get a job that has you doing the happy dance every morning.


What people are saying...


Ann is a consummate professional and immensely knowledgeable. Her personality creates an environment of acceptance balanced with challenge that lends to a collaborative process that is customized to your needs. Ann has the ability to fill in the blanks you didn't even know were there and pieces elements of your business together like a puzzle that makes sense and feels completely achievable. It has been a pleasure to work with Ann. I would work with her again, continuously, and not hesitate to recommend her with high regard.

Tara Miller, Psychotherapist, Author, Speaker


Ann's incredible intuition picks up on any information that is left unsaid and she is great at making her clients see that they are successful and valued. Her dedication to her clients is second to none and she works tirelessly to ensure they achieve their desired outcome: a fulfilling career where they shine bright. Besides her pragmatic approach and encouraging pep talks that always seem to come at moments when they are most needed, Ann has a delightful sense of humour that makes working with her a treat.  If given the opportunity to work with her, I strongly recommend that you do so.

Tara Winter, Marketing Director & Registrar, Canadian College of Osteopathy


Ann is extremely detail oriented and can efficiently, effectively lay out a clear and concise "battle plan" for those who might feel like they have hit a roadblock in their professional career. Perhaps surprisingly, Ann has an absolutely OUTSTANDING ability to keep you laughing the whole time during your coaching sessions and yet at the same time cutting right through the BS and demanding the best out of you. If you are a person who feels like they are lacking in direction, or they have a great idea for their business but don't know where to start: start with Ann.  

Matt Marcinek, Performance Coach, Combat Athlete and Motivational Speaker

Imagine ... having a job that provides

you with the freedom

to create the life you want.

You wake up each morning excited to start your day because you’re full of ideas for the projects you’re working on and you can’t wait to get going.

You have a boss who is available (even at 4pm), open to your ideas and prepared to support new and innovative ways to make them happen. You work with people who are smart, engaged and collaborative.

Too many people stay stuck in a job they hate, slogging it out every day, because the process of looking for something else is overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be!

With Jump Start Your Career! you can get out of awful and into awesome.

Here's a Snapshot of What to Expect 

My coaching philosophy is all about action.

Every session, you’ll receive a worksheet or assignment to complete. If you have questions, you’ll be able to reach out to me via email as often as you like. (Shhhh... sometimes we might jump on a quick call.)

When we get together virtually, you’ll receive coaching from me so you can apply the information in ways that are comfortable and easy for you.

I will step you through what it takes to put yourself first, build a network of people you’d be proud to call colleagues, and help you stay accountable and on-track to land a job where you have the freedom to create the life you want.

You will never feel lost or overwhelmed.

Embrace How Amazing You Are

The most important thing you can do is embrace your strengths and unique gifts and stop twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to meet other people’s expectations.

That’s why you’ll take (and share with me) a 10-minute quiz to: 

  • Decode what your strengths and values are trying to tell you about what to do and where to work.
  • Describe ideal companies, jobs, and people you’d be proud to call colleagues.
  • Debunk your weaknesses.


Effectively Navigate the Mindset Minefield

To be successful, you need to get out of your own way. 

In this session, you’ll discover: 

  • 4 powerful questions to ask yourself that sink “stinking thinking” – those negative thoughts and beliefs that are killing your spirit.
  • The #1 way to reboot and reset your mindset.
  • Why giving yourself some space is key to growing to your next level.

Take Action

Stop waiting … and waiting … and waiting for companies to post jobs you’re interested and scrambling to put an application together.

We’ll identify:

  • How to turn the search process inside out and put your needs first.
  • Fast and easy ways to research companies and identify people you’d be thrilled to call colleagues.
  • Why you need a “bucket list” of great companies, people and job opportunities


Reach Out

Networking is a skill you can learn (yes, even if you’re an introvert)! So if you’re stressed about being pushy or feeling gross, this session will show you how to make reaching out a comfortable conversation that inspires people to say "YES!" to you!

You’ll discover:

  • The 3 secrets to getting people to respond to your emails.
  • A 2-minute hack to crush “imposter syndrome.”
  • The big (huge!) mistake people make when reaching out, and how to avoid it.

Beyond Bragging – Create a Killer Resume and Effective LinkedIn Profile

There’s a tremendous sense of satisfaction and, dare I say, awesomeness that comes from seeing your accomplishments documented in a way that’s clear, concise, and captures you!

In this session, you’ll learn: 

  • The Gratitude Method to quantify  accomplishments and prove your worth
  • 3-Step Profile Writing Method that sets you up for success with hiring managers
  • Easy ways to leverage LinkedIn and avoid keyword chaos so you stand out to prospective employers

Interview With Confidence

Whether you plan to advance in your current field or pivot into another industry you must know how to present and sell your capabilities. 


  • How to crush every interview, every time.
  • How to answer the dreaded, “Tell Me About Yourself” question.
  • A big mistake people make that leaves money on the table.


Still on the fence?

It's hard to invest in yourself when the job you have erodes your confidence and leaves you lost and paralyzed – unable to take action.

I get it.  I’ve been where you are. I remember showing up at work every day, trying to be enthusiastic and engaged, giving 110%, and in my heart feeling like I wasn’t making a difference. 

I was stuck, miserable, and tired of commuting an hour and a half every day.  I couldn’t figure out how to find the time or the energy to look at job ads, figure out my resume (ugh!), and mess around with those automated application systems (double ugh!).

That’s why, once I figured out the secret to solving “The Mystery of My Awesome Job,” I got my coaching certifications and created Jump Start Your Career!

Right now you have two choices:

1.  Try and learn everything you need know from free blogs and articles and webinars … spending lots and LOTS of time piecing things together, hoping something sticks while you attempt to stay motivated and focused on your own...


2. You could invest in yourself, fast-track your learning, and make sure that you build a powerful network and land an awesome job quickly.

Imagine if you get a job offer in the next few months, based on what you've learned in the program. 


You’re into a new role that has you doing the happy dance every morning.

But that's just the small picture - here's the bigger one:  

Once you know how to build a powerful network and land ONE awesome job, you will have that skill and freedom for the rest of your life. No matter what happens, you will know how to find and land an awesome job. 

That's what Jump Start Your Career! is all about -- building a powerful community of people who are committed to your success so you can reachout whenever necessary to land an awesome new opportunity.

Reach Out

Are you going to get out of an awful job thatโ€™s eating away your confidence and sapping your spirit every day and into a role that has you doing the happy dance every day? Save your spot in Jump Start Your Career!


50% Complete

Two Step

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